Make-Up Picks with Kailey Flyte of "Mermaidens"

3:16 PM

I had first been mesmerised with Kailey Flyte's aesthetics when I had seen her Tumblr. Her spark of genuine modesty, her striking pastel pink hair and her love of vintage fashion made her something I looked forward to seeing when I log in.

She has a successful blog, and even posts the cutest 'how-to' videos on Youtube,

I had ask her for a short interview with Bubblebeam Mag last year, and though she had given me her answers so long ago, my empty minded-ness had forgotten to post it and to keep this blog updated.

Things will change, though, and with this new leaf for Bubblebeam Mag, I am proud to present our interview with the Mermaidens herself.

You're most known for your beautiful blog, and your great taste in make up products, clothes and colours, but how did you first get into fashion and beauty? And which of the two are you more passionate about?

KAILEY: Ooh, thank you! It's hard to trace where my love for personal style began because I feel like it's been there forever - but I think it was when I was around 6 and would impatiently stalk the mail man, waiting for a new issue of my favorite magazines ELLEgirl and Teen Vogue to arrive! As I got older, I become completely immersed in films - and the costumes playing such an integral part of displaying character identity and their development cemented it.

My love of makeup was awakened a little later - I was fascinated by lipstick but never felt comfortable wearing them until I got my braces off when I was 16, then I really started to love it!

I think in general, fashion is closer to my soul but I truly love them both!

What made you want to start up your own blog?

KAILEY: I was going through a difficult time and realized I needed a creative outlet, and I realized this while I was googling sewing DIYs and found personal style blogs!

What was your childhood like? What kind of friends did you have growing up?

KAILEY: My childhood was filled with reading, watching musicals, and experimenting with any art medium I could get my hands on. We had to move a lot because of my father's job, so there were moments of loneliness - but my friends were always similarly passionate and energetic kids!

You've also made some cool how to videos on Youtube. Was it hard to balance your projects with keeping up with your current ones?

KAILEY: Definitely! Making videos is extremely time consuming, but ultimately rewarding! Finding the right balance is still something I struggle with, but I am hoping to create more content for Youtube in 2015.

Are you planning on extending "Mermaidens" as your own brand? What kind of things/products would you want out of it?

KAILEY: I would absolutely love that! As somebody who is interested in clothing design and illustration, I would love to help design things...

Can you describe your aesthetic inspirations?

KAILEY: Though they can vary, I keep coming back to being inspired by desserts, my amazing friends, and films.

What about your other inspirations? Who are your heroes, and why do you look up to them?

KAILEY: I find inspiration in just about everybody - I think there are a lot of under represented everyday heroes that deserve praise and admiration moreso then some of the flashy pop culture symbols we are taught to admire. To mention a specific person however, I find my mother extremely inspiring, and one of the most amazing people I have ever met. Her selflessness, strength, and drive is unparrelled.

How often do you post online, where are your main outlets of posting (Blog, Tumblr, Youtube, Insta etc...)

KAILEY: I don't produce content nearly as often as I would like for Youtube and my personal blog, but I love sharing cute, more everyday photos on Instagram and using my Tumblr for inspiration!

Lastly, pick out three items of your daily beauty routine, and tell us why they're all "Mermaidens-approved" :D

1. Benefit's High Beam
KAILEY: Quickly became completely obsessed with highlighters for a natural glow! This one is one of the best I've tried.

2. NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream in Buenos Aires
KAILEY: The perfect matte, peachy pink! Really obsessed with this and NYX's lip products never disappoint!

3. MAC Ruby Woo
KAILEY: My favorite red lip - since it's a very matte formula, it's pretty dry - but a gorgeous shade of red!

Check out her social media!

(All pictures, except the make up product pictures, belong to Kailey Flyte)

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