In the wake of murderous misogyny and the fear of speaking up

7:23 PM

Okay, so I'm going to try and speak up about this issue because I have realised that not enough of us in Malaysia are raising this as a serious topic.

For those of you who don't know, last Friday night a man known as Eliot Rodgers went on a killing spree in Isla Vista, California, murdering six people and sending seven more to the hospital. Three of the dead bodies were found later in his apartment. He was even found dead at the wheel of his car with a gunshot wound in his head.

The reason? Rodgers posted videos on Youtube talking about seeking "retribution" against women who he said has rejected him, complaining that he was a virgin and that beautiful women wouldn't pay attention to him. He even said how he would "slaughter every single spoiled, stuck-up, blond slut I see".

I'm not going to go over the complete details, because I'm sure you can find them in the news articles all over the internet. What I want to talk about however, is the disturbing lack of discussion on local feeds.

More importantly, I do not see a lot of anyone, both female and male, posting or discussion the subject. Yeah there is a small handful of you out there in Malaysia, but not enough of us are talking about how Rodgers has not only killed, and posted a video talking about how he was 'entitled to sex and female attention'.

There are also the comments under his Youtube page, countless of them talking about... ugh. I just get sick at the thought of mentioning them.

You know what there are just so many more of these assholes commenting on the videos why don't you take your pick at your favourite satan dick turd.

While I do want to go on and write a fucking novel about how what he did wasn't okay, today I will just try to point out a few things about our culture, even in the very open society of social media.

And this doesn't just apply to Malaysia, this applies to everyone in the world.

Why don't more of us girls post and write and talk about this issue on a very wide social media platform like Twitter and Facebook, where most of the people we know and love and spend time with are there with you too?

From my own perspective, NONE of the girls in Malaysia talked about this issue and tell everyone that is it NOT OKAY to treat this killing spree like a "lesson to girls to suck male dicks" so that we DON'T get murdered.

And I don't blame you all for not talking about it. Here's why. We're FRIGHTENED.

Us girls are SCARED, FRIGHTENED of men. Congratulations. You did it, guys.

We're scared that if we do even speak up a little about it, guys will start stopping us and say things like, "#NOTALLGUYS are like that".

We're scared that they might push us off the table for our say and for trying to teach you what's right.

We're scared that you're not going to make our opinions seem relevant.

We're scared that you don't want to hear us.

We're scared that we might seem crazy.

We already have this unwanted fear in all of us that you might hurt us.

And then in the WAKE of this mens rights serial killer incident, men can still talk about it like it is OUR fault, and we can't have our say without being undervalued.

We can't have our say without you insulting us, or denying our opinions instead of listening and learning that men have been brainwashed that they all are entitled to sex, as long as they are the "supreme gentleman".

Okay, so not all guys are like that. Then why are there so many of you literally yelling on the internet on Youtube no less about how girls should "learn our lesson", and thinking that none of this is the fault of the "nice guy" mindset?

And so very little of you speak up about how females should not be murdered because we don't want to date you, or whether we want to suck your dicks or not. Instead, you have the mentality to defend your own male skin, rather than agree that it is time to stop with the "supreme gentleman" mentality.

You can say that not all guys are like this, but I don't see any proof.

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